Re-Entry Providers Association of California
Welcome to the Re-Entry Providers Association of California, also known as REPAC. After years of not having a seat at the table, struggling to fund the mission for our organizations, and advocating in silos, REPAC is an organization created for groups, non-profits, and service organizations throughout the state of California who want to unite to effectuate change, TOGETHER, for those impacted by the criminal justice system.
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Who We Are
The Association is a broad-based, statewide 501(c)(4) non-profit organization representing members who are nonprofits, grassroots and service organizations seeking to create and restore healthy communities by assisting citizens’ re-entry into the community following incarceration. Through grassroots mobilization, political and policy advocacy, education and coalition building our members’ work focuses upon transportation, fair hiring, housing, healthcare, treatment programs, legal documentation, voting, parenting, relationships, family reintegration, and all facets of reentering society. We support rational, cost-effective and equitable programs and policies that provide meaningful opportunities for individuals to live, work and grow, lowering recidivism, and make our communities safer and more productive.
This website is a place for you to network, find resources, and collaborate with others to foster successful reentry for the men and women of California who return home.
We recognize that the transition from a life of incarceration to a productive life in community can be profoundly challenging for formerly incarcerated citizens, family, and society.
REPAC will help empower and equip your organization to serve more effectively.